1. Free Satellite Imagery: Data Providers & Sources For All Needs
11 sep 2024 · You can get the most recent free satellite images from Landsat 7 ... Data types are grouped as GPS/GNSS, SAR, Lidar/SfM, seismic, and ...
Free satellite imagery providers democratize access to valuable geospatial data, promoting research, decision-making, and innovation in various fields.
2. WWF REDD+ Learning Session 7: Satellite Data for REDD+ MRV
Aurélie Shapiro, Remote Sensing Specialist with WWF Germany, takes us through an overview of satellite data for REDD+ MRV. Learn about a number of data sources ...
Author Shapiro, A.
3. WWF REDD+ Learning Session 7: Satellite Data for REDD+ MRV
Aurélie Shapiro, Remote Sensing Specialist with WWF Germany, takes us through an overview of satellite data for REDD+ MRV. Learn about a number of data sources ...
4. Design of a Rapid Structure from Motion (SfM) Based 3D ... - MDPI
The aim of this research effort was to develop a framework for a structure from motion (SfM)-based 3D reconstruction approach with a team of autonomous small ...
The aim of this research effort was to develop a framework for a structure from motion (SfM)-based 3D reconstruction approach with a team of autonomous small unmanned aerial systems (sUASs) using a distributed behavior model. The framework is composed of two major goals to accomplish this: a distributed behavior model for a team of sUASs and a SfM-based 3D reconstruction using team of sUASs. The developed distributed behavior model is based on the entropy of the system, and when the entropy of the system is high, the sUASs get closer to reducing the overall entropy. This is called the grouping phase. If the entropy is less than the predefined threshold, then the sUASs switch to the 3D reconstruction phase. The novel part of the framework is that sUASs are only given the object of interest to reconstruct the 3D model, and they use the developed distributed behavior to coordinate their motion for that goal. A comprehensive parameter analysis was performed, and optimum sets of parameters were selected for each sub-system. Finally, optimum parameters for two sub-systems were combined in a simulation to demonstrate the framework’s operability and evaluate the completeness and speed of the reconstructed model. The simulation results show that the framework operates successfully and is capable of generating complete models as desired, autonomously.
5. [PDF] The Evaluation of SfM Technique in the Determination of Surface ...
19 aug 2019 · This study aimed to focus on the determination and evaluation of deformation on the surface of the soil roads in the forest using SfM (Structure ...
6. [PDF] An experimental comparison of multi-view stereo approaches ... - HAL
10 mrt 2024 · Satellite images have specific char- acteristics that have ... Figure 7. Evaluation of the a posteriori pair selection criterium ...
7. sfm commands - Nokia Documentation Center
satellite commands · service commands · sfm commands · subscriber-mgmt ... sfm-x20, sfm-x20-b, m-sfm5-7, m-sfm5-12, m-sfm5-12e, sfm-x20s-b, sfm-ixr-6 ...
configure — sfm number — admin-state keyword — apply-groups reference — apply-groups-exclude reference — sfm-type keyword Synopsis Enter the sfm list instance Context configure sfm number Tree sfm ...
8. [PDF] 3d surface reconstruction from multi-view and multi-date google ...
6 jun 2022 · It is performed using the image feature-based SfM method,. COLMAP. If all camera pose geometry of multi-view and multi- date GE satellite images ...
9. Fusion between UAV-SFM and terrestrial laser scanner for field ...
Fusion between UAV-SFM and terrestrial laser scanner for field validation of satellite remote sensing ... 7 Citations (Scopus) ... 7/26/15 → 7/31/15. All Science ...
Field tree measurement to collect ground truth data is labor intensive. To make it efficient to collect the field data in a large scale, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is introduced in this study. An automated photogrammetric technique called Structure from Motion (SfM) is used to create 3D data out of photos collected by UAV. Tree structure created by SfM is compared with the 3D data obtained by several Terrestrial Laser Scanners to see the difference in vertical forest structure. Canopy structure is mainly captured by UAV-SfM and there is more point density around tree canopy than 3D data obtained by airborne laser. The point density of UAV around tree canopy is equivalent to that of TLS data, but tree trunk underneath the canopy cannot be reconstructed well, because the trunk is obscured by tree canopy and it is not visible on photos.
10. Radon-Augmented Sentinel-2 Satellite Imagery to Derive Wave ...
16 aug 2019 · ... 7,9,10,11,12], airborne [13] to space-borne [14,15]. To find depth related to a certain wave celerity through the linear dispersion relation ...
Climatological changes occur globally but have local impacts. Increased storminess, sea level rise and more powerful waves are expected to batter the coastal zone more often and more intense. To understand climate change impacts, regional bathymetry information is paramount. A major issue is that the bathymetries are often non-existent or if they do exist, outdated. This sparsity can be overcome by space-borne satellite techniques to derive bathymetry. Sentinel-2 optical imagery is collected continuously and has a revisit-time around a few days depending on the orbital-position around the world. In this work, Sentinel-2 imagery derived wave patterns are extracted using a localized radon transform. A discrete fast-Fourier (DFT) procedure per direction in Radon space (sinogram) is then applied to derive wave spectra. Sentinel-2 time-lag between detector bands is employed to compute the spectral wave-phase shift and depth using the gravity wave linear dispersion. With this novel technique, regional bathymetries are derived at the test-site of Capbreton, France with an root mean squared (RMS)-error of 2.58 m and a correlation coefficient of 0.82 when compared to the survey for depths until 30 m. With the proposed method, the 10 m Sentinel-2 resolution is sufficient to adequately estimate bathymetries for a wave period of 6.5 s or greater. For shorter periods, the pixel resolution does not allow to detect a stable celerity. In addition to the wave-signature enhancement, the capabi...
11. SPOT 7 - Earth Online
Bevat niet: sfm | Resultaten tonen met:sfm
SPOT 7 (Azersky), like all of the other SPOT missions, was aimed at supplying high-resolution, wide-area optical imagery.
12. On-orbit Geometric Parameters Refinement of Mapping Satellite-1 ...
China's First Civilian Three-line-array Stereo Mapping Satellite:ZY-3[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2012, 41(3):317-322. [7] 李晶, 王蓉, 朱雷鸣, ...
To find the model and method of on-orbit geometric refinement suitable...
13. [PDF] IJRAR Research Journal - IJRAR.org
Satellite Images (named S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 serially). Fig. 4. Test Images. 3.2Calculation of SFM. The SFM ... 7. Equalization Technique -1 [11]. V.
14. Enhancing Building Point Cloud Reconstruction from RGB UAV ...
... SfM algorithm, and secondly, reduce noise caused by vegetation. ... The materials utilized in both stages are a publicly available RGB-NIR dataset, and satellite ...
The performance of three-dimensional (3D) point cloud reconstruction is affected by dynamic features such as vegetation. Vegetation can be detected by near-infrared (NIR)-based indices; however, the sensors providing multispectral data are resource intensive. To address this issue, this study proposes a two-stage framework to firstly improve the performance of the 3D point cloud generation of buildings with a two-view SfM algorithm, and secondly, reduce noise caused by vegetation. The proposed framework can also overcome the lack of near-infrared data when identifying vegetation areas for reducing interferences in the SfM process. The first stage includes cross-sensor training, model selection and the evaluation of image-to-image RGB to color infrared (CIR) translation with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). The second stage includes feature detection with multiple feature detector operators, feature removal with respect to the NDVI-based vegetation classification, masking, matching, pose estimation and triangulation to generate sparse 3D point clouds. The materials utilized in both stages are a publicly available RGB-NIR dataset, and satellite and UAV imagery. The experimental results indicate that the cross-sensor and category-wise validation achieves an accuracy of 0.9466 and 0.9024, with a kappa coefficient of 0.8932 and 0.9110, respectively. The histogram-based evaluation demonstrates that the predicted NIR band is consistent with the original NIR data of the satell...
15. Influence of Media Composition on the Level of Bovine Satellite Cell ...
2 jun 2023 · Figure 7. Figure 7. Open in a new tab. Quantitative PCR analysis of ... [19] developed a serum-free medium (SFM) composition supporting ...
Culturing of muscle precursor cells—satellite cells—is the basis for research on obtaining meat using in vitro techniques, which can become an alternative to traditional meat production. The available literature data do not give a clear answer as to ...